Kristin Fong

Ecuador 2019

Fundraising Completed

Ecuador Support Letter

Dear family and friends,

We would like to share a wonderful opportunity we’ve been given this summer. Together with our church, we will be traveling to South America to serve the people of Ecuador from July 14th to the 19th. During our time there, we will visit several villages to help our missionary, Gonzalo, with various needs to support his ministry.  Although we do not know what our exact roles will be, our expectation is that we will be sharing the good news of the gospel through children’s ministry by helping out with Vacation Bible School and other arts and crafts programs. We plan to help Gonzalo out with physical labor and construction needs he may have. We may also offer some limited medical and dental care to the local people as well.  As a team, we will be meeting up regularly every week, until we leave, to train and prepare for our time in Ecuador.

We are so excited to see what God has planned for us through this mission trip, both individually and as a newlywed couple.  We know that there will be challenges ahead during the training and preparation phase as well as our time in Ecuador and hope that you will partner with us in prayer.  Please pray that we will be able to prepare well so that we would be physically and mentally ready to be used by God when we arrive in Ecuador. Please pray that we can bring light and hope to people who are desperately in need of the gospel.  Please pray for us, that we can grow closer to God through this process and that we can learn to depend more on God rather than our own comforts. Finally, please pray for safety and good health during our travels.

Aside from partnering through prayer, we are also accepting financial support that will be used towards the cost of our our flights (about $660 each) and room and board (about $600 each).  If you wish to partner with us in this way, you may give online at:

Thank you for your love and support.  We are so excited and thankful for this opportunity and know that God will do great things.


Kristin and Jon Fong

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