Joshua Ritter

Ecuador 2019

Fundraising Completed

Mission Support for Joshua Ritter

Hey! I hope and pray that everything in your life is going well and that 2019 will be full of blessings for you and your loved ones. I just wanted to give you a little update on whats new with me and how God has been working in my life this year. At the beginning of this year I felt called to partake in the "Daniel Fast" (Denying any processed foods and meat, only eating vegetable/fruit based meals) and learned so much of myself through scripture and prayer. I have since decided to make some sacfrices in my life and focus on growing more spiritually.

Through prayer and reading scripture I believe God is leading me to go with my church, Harvest down to the country of Ecuador on a mission's trip to serve His Kingdom.  Ecuador is a small country on the west coast of South America right in between Colombia and Peru. Our mission will be focusing on helping the people who live in the Amazon jungle through medical care, labor, childrens ministry and supporting our misionaries in whatever way we can there.

Harvest supports this mission in so many ways, to include:  Prayer, encouragement, financial support, an short term missions trips. This summer I plan to take part in our church's overall mission in helping and ministering to the people of Ecuador through the short term missions trip. I am super excited to finally take part in something so great and being able to work in His Kingdom! We will be in the counrty of Ecuador from 14 JAN 2019 to 19 JAN 2019. We have heard that our short term missions trip is a major help and  encouragement to the long term missionaries there. 

I just want to take the time to thank you for visiting my page and reading my letter. All I ask for in support is prayers but, if you are willing to partner with me and help with any kind of financial support that would be amazing too :)

All contributions would go towards covering: Vaccinations, airfare, and all other in country expenses (i.e. food, shelter, and trasnportation). We are responsible for all the items listed so any sort of help is much appreciated. All items are tax deductible and the ways to donate are listed below. 

-Checks: Can be made out to Harvest and mailed to 16796 E. Davenport Rd. Winter Garden, FL 34787

-Online Portal: Quick and convenient online option, you can visit There is a link labeled Ecuador 2019m just click the click and scroll down to you find my name.

       Thank you so much again! Your prayers and support mean so much!
                Joshua Ritter

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