Chris Lee

Ecuador 2018

Fundraising Completed

Ecuador 2018

Dear Friends and Family,

Whether this is the first or seventh time you are getting a letter, I want to write this letter to let you know that God has continued to call me to serve in Ecuador this year with our short term missions team.  
In Ecuador, we will continue to serve along side our missionary Gonzalo Quimbiulco. He will be directing and guiding where we can serve and help in his ministry among the local villages and towns. We will also continue to build on past relationships made in towns of Lumbaqui, Lagra Agrio, and native indigenous tribes in Shushufundi. Our team will also serve with the Santiago church based in Quito. We plan to provide dental care, children’s ministry, family photo sessions, and other outreach services to continue encouraging the local churches to flourish.    

Our team will be going to Ecuador from June 10th through June 16th. The reason why you have gotten this letter is first and foremost to pray for me and our team.

Please pray:

1) For the Holy Spirit to go before us to prepare and open the hearts of the Ecuadorian people we will be serving.  2)
2) That people may come to faith in Christ through the ministries we provide.
3) That the churches in Ecuador can rise up to be strong in the midst of hardships.
4) That we can continue to encourage and be supportive of our missionary Gonzalo.

If you feel that you would like to support me or our team financially on this trip, please use the following 2 methods:

2) Mail a check payable to “Harvest” and send it to 16796 E. Davenport Rd. Winter Garden, FL 34787. (Please write “Chris Lee Ecuador Missions 2018” in the notes section)

Thank you in advance for your prayers and partnership!


Chris Lee


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