Sung Kim

Ecuador 2016

Fundraising Completed

Ecuador Missions 2016

Hello! Family and friends, my name is Sung and I have the privilege of going to Ecuador for missions this summer (July 18-27) to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. This will be my first mission trip internationally, and I am excited for this opportunity to go spread the Good News and illustrate the love of Christ.

What is this about?
Our church, Harvest, located in Orlando, FL has been building relationships with the people of Ecuador through sending missions teams annually for the past 8 years. We believe that God desires all people to come to know Him and we exist to glorify God by equipping Christ-centered leaders to transform the world. Thus, we live out Christ’s calling to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) by going to spread the message of Jesus Christ to the unreached. We will be working with Gonzalo Quimbiulco, a fulltime missionary in the Amazon. The first few days will be spent in Cotopaxi before going to serve in other Amazonian villages. We will be leading worship services, administering dental work, and conducting block parties. Our ministry efforts will also focus on providing services for the children (martial arts, Bible lessons, and taekwondo).

How can you partner with me?
Missions is only possible with prayer through community, family, and friends. I’d be encouraged if you could pray with me for:

1). The people of Ecuador to come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior
2). Disciples to be raised for God’s Kingdom
3). Our team to be united and protected physically and spiritually through the Holy Spirit

In addition to praying, $1100 must be raised in order to be able to go to Ecuador this year. Our church takes to heart that missions is team oriented, that while some physically go others send, through prayer and financial support. If you would like to financially support me, please make your check out to “Korean Presbyterian Church of Orlando" and in the memo line, write “Ecuador – Sung Kim.” Our church mailing address is 16796 E. Davenport Rd. Winter Garden, FL 34787. You can also use our website to send support

Thank you for reading this and partnering in any way you are led to! Let us be the workers who are sent into His harvest field; let us go and make disciples of the nation of Ecuador!

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