Sara Kim

Ecuador - Summer 2014

Fundraising Completed

Support Sara Kim

Hey Friends


            Every summer, my home church (Harvest) sends out teams to different parts of the world.  Our main goal and purpose is to share the love of Jesus and His Gospel to the people we meet.  We do this though several ways:  preaching the Gospel, leading Vacation Bible School for children, helping build homes and church buildings, free dental services through our dental team, martial arts; whatever talents God has given us, we use them to share the Gospel where we go. So, where am I going:  Ecuador. I will be going back to work with a local missionary/pastor in two villages down in the Amazon Basin region of Ecuador: Sinangue and Lumbaqui.  


            I am very excited and I can’t wait to come back from this trip and share with all of you all the amazing ways God worked in Ecuador and not to mention how He will help me to survive without air conditioning for two weeks.


            Thank you guys for your prayers and your support.


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