Sandra Choi

Ecuador - Summer 2014

Fundraising Completed

Ecuador Missions 2014





Summer time is finally here and I am so excited to be spending a part of mine in the beautiful country of Ecuador. This will be my third time going to Quito, Lumbaqui, Cabeno, Sinangue, and other areas of Ecuador with my home church, Harvest (an inter-generational, English-speaking congregation at the Korean Presbyterian Church of Orlando).


I am so humbled by the love and community that I have been blessed with at my church and seek to share this love with the people we encounter in Ecuador. I hope that through our interactions, I will be able to build relationships and show the people of Ecuador just how much they are loved by our Father. My team and I will seek to reach out to the community there through different ministries such as Vacation Bible School, cosmetology, dentistry, and other medical services.


In the summer of 2011, a tragic accident occurred during a mission trip to Ecuador and we lost one of our dear Harvest family members: a brother named Joshua. Through this tragedy, so many people have been saved and come to know Christ. In death, Joshua has brought far more people to Christ than I could have ever imagined. His life is an example that I look at and strive to follow: I want to spend my life living for a bigger purpose and greater cause. I, too, want to end well as Joshua did. Though we grow up as a society believing that death is forever, I know that this life is temporary and Joshua is currently surrounded by an envelope of eternal love and life with our Savior.


2 Corinthians 4:17-18 says "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." I do not want to lose sight of that picture. I do not want to waste time building my physical fortune here on earth, but rather, spend it bringing people to know Christ and sharing the truth that I am experiencing in my daily life: that there are far greater things to come after this world. Though I am inadequate, I know that He uses the meek to lead the strong. 


For this trip, I ask that you would please pray for me as I prepare to go back to Ecuador. Please pray that the people will be receptive to our team and our purpose. Pray for our health and safe travel. Pray that I will open myself up so that God can use me as He sees fit. Also, if you feel compelled to do so, please consider supporting me financially as the total expenses needed for each member come to be around $1300. Checks can be sent to 16796 E Davenport Rd Winter Garden, FL 34787 and made payable to KPCO with my name on the memo line. You can also donate online through our website at Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I am excited to be used by Him to further his kingdom and cannot wait to share what he has done upon my return!


Thanks in advance for your partnership through prayer and/or finances.





Sandra Choi

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