Daniel Chang

Ecuador - Summer 2014

Fundraising Completed

Ecuador Support Letter

Dear Friends,

I hope this letter finds you well! As you know, I am currently in Orlando for the summer, taking one online class, and spending time with my family and friends here. I’m not writing to tell you about my silly summer shenanigans, but to tell you about a potentially life changing mission trip I am about to embark on with my home church/family, Harvest.


From July 16th to the 25th I will be in Ecuador, along with 12 other members of my church family, partnering with churches in the local area. During the summers of 2012 and 2013, I traveled to the Dominican Republic and was given the opportunity to spread the name of God to the Dominican people. Through those times and my past year at UF, my heart for the nations has grown tremendously. I see that God is not just a God confined to a box, but He is the God of the nations and He loves the people of the world. (John 3:16) Everyday, I realize more and more the depth of His grace and His love for His people, and I know it is not just a message for me to keep to myself but to tell the world that Jesus lives! As an awesome pastor once said, “We were nobodies who became somebodies to tell everybody about someone.” (hint: that someone is Jesus)


In Ecuador, our team will be serving in the Amazon area reaching out to the unreached areas. In order to do this we will host block parties, have revival meetings and children’s ministries along with offering dental, medical, and optical services. Though our team is training and praying diligently now for Ecuador, we realize that we cannot do this on our own. That is why I am asking you to help me, and us! We need support financially and prayerfully. We are needing to raise $1300 each. You can help with that by donating at donate.kpcoharvest.org, or by mailing support to KPCO Harvest at 16796 Davenport Road Winter Garden, FL 34787. If financial support is not possible at this time, there is something even better that you send. Prayer! Please pray that our team would see the people of Ecuador with the same eyes and heart that God does, for safety in our travels and also when we are there, and for a greater longing to see revival in our hearts and in Ecuador. Prayer is power, so please keep us in your prayers.


Thanks for taking the time to read this and for your partnership.


For His Glory,


Daniel Chang


This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” 1 John 4:9


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