Chris Lee

Ecuador - Summer 2013

Fundraising Completed

Back in Ecuador for 2013

Dear Friends,



It’s that time of the year again! Summer missions is upon us, and as we have committed after last year’s Ecuador trip, we are so excited to be apart of the 2013 Ecuador team.


Last year, God revealed his heart for the people of Ecuador and us. We were able to pray for the people as we took care of their dental needs, participate in building projects, hold children’s ministry, and serve in an orphanage for the physically and mentally disabled. We learned to stop focusing on ourselves and to seize every opportunity to share the love of Christ with all that God has faithfully provided.


We firmly believe, as David Platt wrote in his book, Radical, “The more you are involved with touching need personally, the more you will demonstrate the gospel in people authentically…” We desire to live out this statement by personally going and doing whatever is needed to share the good news of the gospel with others.


We will be going to Ecuador from July 16 through July 25. While there, we plan to reach out to the remote villages in Sinangue, Cabeno and Lumbaqui, and to continue to build on the relationships we’ve established.  We will provide dental and optometric services to the local people, lead children’s ministry, participate in building projects, and visit an orphanage. We will also be visiting towns in the hopes of spreading the love of Christ through providing food and fellowship.


Please consider partnering with us, as we need people who are willing to faithfully pray and provide financial support.


Prayer Requests:


  1. For the Holy Spirit to go before us to prepare and open the hearts of the Ecuadorian people we will be serving. 
  2. That many needs will be met through the services we provide.
  3. That many may come to know Christ for the first time in their lives.


Thank you in advance for your prayers and partnership!





Love in Christ,                                                    



Chris & Haley

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