Chris Lee

Ecuador Summer Team

Fundraising Completed

Ecuador 2012 Summer

Dear Friends,

Hope this letter finds you well. Chris and I are excited to share that we have been called to join the summer missions team to Ecuador. Chris being a dentist and I (Haley) being a nurse, we have always had a heart for medical/dental missions. We believe that God has placed us in our professional careers for a reason, and we would like to use that to serve Him on this trip.

Since getting married in 2008, God has been shaping and molding us through our relationship. After making a commitment to place Him first in our marriage, He has continued to challenge us to grow. We now serve as leaders of our church small group, and we have always been financial and prayerful supporters of missions. As we continued to seek out His will in our lives through scripture and community, we felt the challenge to step out of our comfort zone and obey the command to go.

We will be going to Ecuador from July 23 through July 28. While there, we plan to work with the local missionaries to reach remote villages in Sinangue and to continue to build on the relationships started by previous team members, like our brother Joshua Tico Kim, who gave his life serving there last summer. We plan to provide dental services to the local people, lead children’s ministry, and participate in building projects.

We are asking you to partner with us. We are looking for people who are willing to faithfully pray and to provide financial support.

Prayer Requests:

1. For the Holy Spirit to go before us to prepare and open the hearts of the Ecuadorian people we will be serving.

2. That many people’s needs will be met through the services we provide.

3. For our own eyes to be opened up to the things unseen, and for God to show us how to love as He has loved us.


Thank you in advance for your prayers and partnership!


Love in Christ,

Chris & Haley

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