Paul Kim

Ecuador Summer Missions 2015

Fundraising Completed

2015 Ecuador Invitational!

Dios Le Bendiga!

God Bless you my friends and family! My name is Paul and if you are reading this, then you most likely know that I have the great privelage of going to Ecuador this summer to share the Good News of Jesus Christ!

What am I talking about? For the past 7 years, our church has been growing deep roots with the people in Ecuador by sending missions teams every summer. God loves these people very much and wants them to be saved (1 Timothy 2:3-4) and He does that primarily through His Church! Throughout the year, the local church in Ecuador is reaching out to lost souls so that they can come to faith in Jesus and find their eternal satisfaction in Him. We even have the privelage of supporting a fulltime missionary named Gonzolo on the ground and he works tirelessly with the people of the Amazon region to show them the love of Christ. Throughout the year, we are praying that His Kingdom would be built in Ecuador and when summer comes around, we have the privelage of taking part in the ministry of our brothers and sisters in faith in Ecuador.

What does that look like this time around? Well, we have expanded our area of ministry in the Amazon to include at least 3 additional rural towns for a total of 5 places we will be going to. What we will be doing includes but is not limited to: block parties, sharing lessons about the Bible, dental work, loving and serving the natives in many other numerous ways. Incredibly, God is already advancing His Kingdom there and when we arrive in Ecuador, there will be close to 30+ people waiting to be baptized to show that they have crossed over from death to life through faith in Jesus!

How can you parter with me? I implore you to pray pray pray with me for...

1. Disciples to be raised for the glory of our God!

2. The people we encounter to know the love of our Savior!

3. Our team to understand God's heart for us and the people of Ecuador!

4. We wouldn't miss out on anything God's doing there!

In addition to prayer, financial support in the sum of $1400 for myself must be raised in order for me to go. If you are thinking of supporting me financially, I ask that you would let that further your heart in praying and going with us to Ecuador. In reality, you are as much a part of the team of missionaries - some send, some go, but all are part of the missions team!

So partner with us as we seek to build the Kingdom of God and fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) that Jesus gave to us!

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