Chris Lee

Ecuador Summer Missions 2015

Fundraising Completed

Pray with us for Ecuador

Dear Friends,

                Summer missions are coming up at our church (Harvest) again this year. After missing the 2014 missions trip due to the birth my daughter (Isabelle), I am looking forward to being a part of the 2015 Ecuador mission team.

                Through God’s faithfulness over the years, he has shown my wife (Haley) and I so much of his abundant blessings. Through this, we cannot help but see the need to serve others and share our testimony to those who have not heard of the good news.

                This year, we will plan to go to towns like Puerto Libre and Dashino where they have very little to no knowledge of the gospel. We will also continue to build on past relationships made in towns of Sinangue, Cabeno, and Lumbaqui. Our team will also serve with the Santiago church based in Quito. We plan to provide dental and optometric services, lead children’s ministry, visit orphanages, and continue to encourage the local ministry to flourish.

                Our team will be going to Ecuador from July 14 through July 23. Since we know our team cannot do this alone, we ask that you can faithfully pray with us first and foremost. Please pray:

  1. For the Holy Spirit to go before us to prepare and open the hearts of the Ecuadorian people we will be serving.
  2. That people may come to faith in Christ through the ministries we provide.
  3. That many families and lives can be healed through Christ.


If you would like to financially support me in the effort, financial support can be given two ways:

  2. Mail a check payable to “Harvest” and send it to 16796 E. Davenport Rd. Winter Garden, FL 34787 (Please write “Chris Lee Ecuador Missions 2015” in the notes section)


Thank you in advance for your prayers and partnership!


Love in Christ,


Chris Lee

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