Monica Lee

Dominican Republic - Summer 2013

Fundraising Completed

Dominican Republic 2013


Dear Friends and Family,

Hello! This is Monica Lee and I am so blessed to be going on missions to the Dominican Republic and Ecuador this upcoming summer. I recently graduated from the University of Central Florida with my Bachelor in the Science of Nursing.  And I am on my way to fulfill my future goal of becoming a Nurse for Jesus! On June 24-July 5th, I will be serving in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic with my brother Ryan. We will be working with a local church doing children’s ministry, door-to-door evangelism and building projects. From July 16-25, I will be serving in Ecuador reaching villages in Sinangue, a small village in the Amazon, and in Quito with a local church. We will also be working through a dental ministry where I will be exercising my nursing skills. I am in much need of prayer and support. I financially am in need of 2,500 dollars and would love it if you could partner with me on this great call to world missions.

I deeply desire to become a servant of God and learn that he has a plan for my life, better than a plan I can imagine for myself. I want him to use me to fulfill his vision of loving and witnessing to the lost people of the Dominican Republic and Ecuador. I desire to go back to the Dominican Republic to testify all that God has done in my life. In 2011, God called me into the nursing field by opening a huge door for me. I was waitlisted from nursing school and while I was on my mission trip, I received a call from the university.  I was accepted, studied hard and now graduated! This opened door will allow me to serve Christ as a Registered Nurse. I would like to serve and share with the people of the Dominican Republic God’s faithfulness and how His timing is always perfect. 

My church, Harvest Ministry, the English ministry at my Korean Presbyterian Church of Orlando holds Ecuador close to their heart. My dear friend Joshua “Tico” Kim served in Ecuador and did not return to his earthly home but went to his eternal rest with the one who he loved the most, Jesus Christ. Joshua Tico’s father is a veterinarian and he is using his skills to grow a long-term connection with the Ecuadorian people through goat ministry. What is a goat ministry you ask? He will be providing goats, teaching the people how to care for them and have them produce milk. This will not only give the people livestock but an opportunity to share the gospel. I want to go back to Ecuador to love the people who Tico loved but most importantly – the people who Jesus loves and desires to be with.

If you do feel the call to support me, please make checks payable to KPCO with my name on the memo line and sent to 16796 Davenport Rd, Winter Garden, FL 34787 or check out the website- Not only financial help is needed but also support in prayer is essential. I hope that you would join me and become partners. Thank you so much!

Glory to God,

Monica Lee

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