Sandra Choi

Ecuador - Winter 2011

Fundraising Completed

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Dear Friends and Family,


How are you?  I know for some, it has been quite some time since we last spoke.  I hope this letter finds you well.  First and foremost, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I am writing to let you know that I have been given a wonderful opportunity to be part of something bigger than myself.  My church, the Korean Presbyterian Church of Orlando, will be going to Ecuador from December 19-23.  This is a joint team comprised of 7 members from the Korean congregation and 8 members from Harvest, the English congregation.

This is an amazing opportunity and will enable me to contribute to my church’s vision: to see the nations worship the true and living God. On this trip, I will be serving with fellow team members to do God’s work and show the people of Ecuador the wonder and awe of God’s glory and compassion. Our team hopes to captivate the attention of local Ecuadorians in the city of Lumbaqui and its surrounding areas through children’s ministry, free haircutting, Tae Kwon Do lessons, evangelism, prayer ministry, and fellowship. This is my church’s fourth year in Ecuador, and we hope to continue ministering to the people of Ecuador for years to come.

Why Ecuador? For many years, throughout and after college, I always told myself I was going to go on missions. For many years, I made excuses as to why that year wasn’t the right one. However, on my church’s last mission trip to Ecuador, a close family friend and younger brother did not make it back. Though it is tragic, I believe that Joshua’s life’s work is not yet over. I know that Joshua is now with our Heavenly Father, and in his death, many more people than I could have imagined have been brought closer to Christ. I feel compelled to go to Ecuador because I want to continue the work that Joshua so lovingly began. This is my first mission trip and I am excited for what God has in store for both myself and the mission team, as well as for the people of Ecuador!

In 1 Corinthians 3:6, Paul writes, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.”  He writes of a partnership without which the ministry would be impossible.   You can partner with me in a few ways. First, I desperately need your prayers for the challenges that are to come. I believe the prayers of God’s children release the power of God.  Also, I must raise $1500 in order to go.  This covers travel expenses and the rest of the logistics. Also, any donations of musical instruments (guitars especially), clothing, and Spanish Bibles would be greatly appreciated.


I can’t wait to go and come back and share of how God has opened our eyes to see how great He is.


Thanks again for your partnership,

Sandra Choi

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