Joy Yun

Dominican Republic 2016

Fundraising Completed

DR Mission 2016

Dear family and friends,

Hello! My name is Joy Yun and I am a sophomore attending Hagerty High School.  I am blessed with a chance  to go on my first mission trip to the Dominican Republic, leaving on June 14 and returning on June 23 this summer of 2016 with Harvest Church.  

I believe that God has called me to go to this years missions trip by my fellow brothers and sisters experience, blessing, and change that occurred  in their lives through these mission trips. These shared experiences have drawn me to serve God by sharing his Word with the Dominicans. 
In the Dominican Republic, we will be helping the local church through children's outreaches, evangelism, prayer ministry, and revival meetings. This means that we will leading VBS, doing arts and crafts, revivals, prayer, and put our unique talents to use for the Dominicans. We'll teach children about the gospel through skits, crafts, and fellowship. 
Please support me and my fellow brothers and sisters through prayer. Your prayers are greatly appreciated and needed. Please pray that the hearts of the Dominicans will be open  and accept Jesus in their lives. Please pray for our health and safety. Please pray that we will have positive attitudes and have happy hearts, even when we are exhausted. And lastly, please pray that we will keep our focus on God and His glory. 
You can support me substantially just through prayer, but you can also support me financially. I need to raise $1,000 for airfare, living expenses, etc. Any amount would be greatly appreciated. Forms of payment are tax deductible. Please write out checks to "Harvest" and write me name on the memo linen the check. You can mail them at:
16796 E Davenport Rd Winter Garden, FL 34787. 
You can also send in your financial support online at:
Thank you so much for your help and cooperation to bring glory to God on his mission. 
"As you have sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world."
John 17:18
- Joy Yun

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