Daniel Chang

Dominican Republic

Fundraising Completed

Domnican Republic Support Letter


Dear family and friends,

Hi my name is Daniel Chang. I am currently in my junior year of high school and will be entering the last year of my high school career after this summer vacation. I have been studying and working hard all year round in order to maintain good grades and high test scores so that I can be more appealing to the universities that I will be applying to during the summer and senior year. But over this summer I did not want to only spend my time sitting at my desk and pushing my pencil across paper.I have been called to embark on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic with my home church Harvest, the English Congregation at the Korean Presbyterian Church of Orlando.

I’ve always wanted to step out of my comfortable life in the U.S and spread the good news of Jesus Christ to people who do not know it. Though I wanted to for the past two years, I couldn’t for various reasons—the main reasons actually being because I picked up the missions application a few weeks after it was due. But this year I turned in my application on time and am being prepared mentally, spiritually, and physically for this experience. (Although I may need to reevaluate the physical portion of my preparation seeing as how I can’t climb a set of stairs without breathing a bit heavy… )


You may be wondering, “What led you to want to travel to a developing country when you have all the comforts and safety of living here in America?” Well, after hearing so many testimonies of peoples’ lives changing and seeing videos/pictures of unadulterated worship of God, I am unsatisfied with just sitting back and listening to stories. God has led me to a desire for a change in my life and I believe this trip can help me with that process of change.


During the trip a team and I will be involved in helping a local church reach their community. We will be helping to lead a children’s ministry program, in addition to engaging in activities such as evangelism, prayer ministry, and revival meetings in order to bring people to know Jesus.


You too can join me on this exciting journey in at least two ways. First, you could pray.  If you could pray for:

·         my heart to continue to have a desire for Jesus

·         the people of the Dominican Republic to come to know the name of Jesus

·         protection from spiritual attacks

I will also need to raise $1,200 in order to make this mission trip possible. The money will be used to fund my traveling expenses and other costs. Please use the enclosed response card if you would like to partner with me.  You can send all responses to: Harvest Missions, 16796 E. Davenport Road, Winter Garden FL 34787. 


I hope that you can partner with me in order to see God change the lives of men, women, and children in the Dominican Republic. Thank you in advance for your prayers and partnership.





Daniel Chang

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