Hannah Lee

Ecuador 2017

Fundraising Completed

Hannah Lee Ecuador Support Letter

Hello, friends and family!

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you with some exciting news. Upon graduation from the University of Florida, I have been in Orlando working as a Program Coordinator at a non-profit therapy center, preparing for graduate school and the next season of life. Much to God’s glory, He’s opened some incredible doors for me. With His blessings so evident in my life, He has also put on my heart those who may not be as privileged around the world.

This is why I have chosen to embark on a mission trip to Ecuador this summer. Growing up in my home church, I had heard so many stories of the incredible work that the Lord is doing there. I am finally now able to go see for myself! Our team of eight will be putting on Vacation Bible School for the Ecuadorian children in remote villages, serving the community through free dental work, taking family photos, and supporting our long-term missionary, Gonzalo.  As we serve the people of Ecuador and create relationships with them, I personally go with the conviction and assurance that the work we do will touch eternity.

The trip will take place from August 6-12th, and the first and foremost way I ask for you to support me is through prayers. Prayer is and will be the most powerful of tools in helping me to equip for this trip. Also, the total amount of support that needs to be raised is $1,200. This amount will cover the needed vaccinations, airfare, and all other expenses expected in our time there. If you could contribute to financially supporting me in any way, it would be much appreciated!


Thank you so much for your consideration of sending me off.

With love,

Hannah Lee. 

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